ACS Stamp Company

Rarer Items

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Scott Number Photo Condition Description Price
RW11 F, H 21.50
RW11 Av.-F, LH, SE 12.00
RW11 F, NG, SE 10.50
RW11 Av.-F, NG, short perf 5.50
RW11 F, NH 60.00
RW11 Av.-F, NH, SE 27.00
RW12 F-VF, LH, Pl . No. single 35.00
RW12 F-VF, H, Pl . No. single 32.50
RW12 F, LH 21.50
RW12 F-VF, NG, SE 14.00
RW12 F, NG 16.00
RW12 F, HH, crease, pulled perf 2.75
RW12 F 12.00
RW13 VF, H, Pl . No. single 22.00
RW13 Av., NG, top 1/3 missing 0.50
RW13 VF, NH, Pl . No. 42.50
RW13 VF, NH 42.50
RW13 F-VF, NH 29.50
RW13 F-VF, NH 29.50
RW13 F, NH 20.00
RW13 F-VF 8.00
RW13 F-VF 7.50
RW14 F-VF, H, Pl . No. single 17.50
RW14 F-VF, H, Pl . No. single 17.50
RW14 VF, DG 20.50
RW14 F, H 14.00
RW14 XF, OG, missing corner 3.25
RW15 F-VF, H, Pl . No. single 22.50
RW15 VF, NG 11.00
RW15 F, HH, trimmed perfs 3.00
RW15 VF, NH 47.50
RW15 F-VF, NH 37.50
RW15 F, NH, Pl . No. 35.00
RW15 XF 11.50
RW15 F 5.00
RW16 XF, H, Pl . No. single 35.00
RW16 VF, NH, Pl . No. 57.50
RW17 XF, H 47.50
RW17 F-VF, part gum 23.50
RW17 VF, On CO license 10.50
RW18 XF, On CO license 12.50
RW18 VF, NH, Pl . No. 80.00
RW18 F, NH 50.00
RW19 VF, H, Pl . No. single 37.50
RW19 F-VF, HH 32.50
RW19 F, H 23.00
RW20 F, H 25.00
RW21 VF, H 37.50
RW21 F, H 21.50
RW21 Av.-F, H, Pl . No. single 18.00
RW22 VF, H 37.50
RW22 VF, H 32.50
RW22 F-VF, NH 60.00
RW22 F, crease, yellowing 1.00
RW23 VF, H, Pl . No. single 35.00
RW23 F-VF, NH, paper stuck on part of back 26.00
RW23 F-VF, LH 28.00
RW23 Av.-F, NH 35.00
RW23 VF, thins 2.50
RW24 F-VF, H 26.00
RW25 F-VF, LH, Pl . No. single 37.50
RW25 VF, NG 16.00
U 72a Av., Cut square, trimmed to design 6.00
U462 F-VF, Cut square 155.00
UO44 Av.-F, Cut square, thin 13.50
114-E6d Av., H, Yellow Essay, stain 5.50
143L7 F-VF, NG, minor crease, gum stain, block 6, APS Certificate 270.00
Bahamas 2 F-VF 240.00
Barbados 62 F-VF, H 67.50
Barbados 64 VF, H 280.00
Belgium 3 F, clipped crnr 8.00
Belgium 103av Unused, F-VF, Imperf, NGAI 100.00
Belgium 105v Unused, VF, Imperf pair, H 200.00
British Guiana 31 F-VF, H 190.00
Canada 4 F 70.00
Canada 12 Unused, F, HHR, pulled corner 1215.00
Canada 17 VF 105.00
Canada 17 VF 105.00
Canada 17 F-VF 75.00
Canada 17 F, rough edges 13.50
Canada 17 Av, trimmed perfs 9.00
Canada 17b Av., trimmed perfs 5.50
Canada 18 VF 85.00
Canada 18 Faulty, trimmed perfs 7.25
Canada 19 F-VF 95.00
Canada 19 Av., missing corner 7.75
Canada 27 Av.-F, clipped corners 5.75
Canada 27a F, short perf 17.50
Canada 28 F 34.50
Canada 38 Unused, VF, NG 370.00
Canada 42 Unused, F HR 80.00
Canada 44 Unused, Av HR 44.00
Canada 46 F-VF 60.00
Canada 46 F-VF, rough perfs 40.25
Canada 50 Unused, F, HR, large thin 13.00
Canada 51 Unused, F-VF, H 13.50
Canada 54 NH, F 75.00
Canada 55 Unused, F-VF H 140.00
Canada 56 Unused, F-VF H 75.00
Canada 56 Unused, F-VF, HR 75.00